Speaking with founder of "Consider the Ant Ministries" this morning reminded me about the importance of belief systems in our motivation to rise above the mundane regarding any goal. While working with the Schuster Center for Professional Development I had a client ask me if I could help him. I responded that I didn't know if I could help him and insistently he told me of course you know. I then explained that I knew statistically what we are able to do for our students on average, but that was not what was in question. I didn't know if he really wanted help or not. I didn't know enough about his belief systems regarding himself, his situation, his business, or our organization. You can have the greatest coaches in the world, but unless you want help, are willing to do the work, and believe that you can achieve better for your life all the coaching in the world will not matter. It is the belief systems of an individual that will determine the success of any given desire to grow.
It is difficult to take a hard look at ourselves and truly evaluate our belief systems about certain areas of our life. This can be especially true when it comes to issues of relationships, faith, money, and other deeply personal aspects of our lives. So let me ask you, what is your belief system about your children's education? What is your belief system about their future? Is it the school's responsibility? Is it the church's? Is it your wife's or your husband's? Is their education subject to just living life and experiencing the world as it comes to them? Maybe it is a little bit of all of these things. Only you and God truly know your belief system regarding your children's future.
Whatever, your belief system is it will play an important role in shaping your kid's future. In fact, many of their belief systems will come directly from you. Yes, it is a huge responsibility when you consider the magnitude of the influence we have over our children's future. I want to ask a favor of you. Will you please set aside some time in your day to embrace that responsibility and prayerfully consider and understand your belief system regarding parenting? Look at it in detail. Where does your responsibility end and the worlds influence begin. What do you want for them and why do you want it? The answers to these questions will direct the action you choose for your children. How you connect with your children regarding everything from discipline, nutrition, exercise, money, love, values, faith and all other areas of education will be motivated by your parenting belief systems.
Your children need you.
Grant Magers
Moola Monsters, LLC