Thursday, June 11, 2009

What is the world coming to...

What is the world coming to when we need to take psychological profiles in order to determine if we should get married to another person? I actually heard this on a christian radio station this morning. I can't believe they suggested that we should take psychological personality profile to determine if we should marry another person.

What do you think Jesus would say to this suggestion? Can't you see the Lord at the wedding feast, saying to the bride and groom, did you take a psych profile before marrying each other? I know, I know, "we live in different times now." - "Things are different than they were 2000 years ago." I have a news flash for all of us, human nature is not different. We still deal with greed, anger, jealousy, boredom, lust, and other issues the same now as back then. So what is the difference?

The difference is we lack delayed gratification. We lack taking responsibility for our actions. We do not need psychological profiles, we need to be adults, not adolescents in adult bodies. We need to recognize that love means more than I feel good about my situation. We need to raise our children in a manner that teaches them these principles with our actions more than our words.

I can guarantee you that you can score the highest level of compatibility on a personality profile with each other, and still find that as life gets tough easy way are still appealing. If you choose that route, what does that teach your children? I know there are circumstances that may require one party of a relationship to leave sometimes. I am saying that personality profiles are not the preventative answer. A healthy understanding of love in Christ is the answer. Patience, kindness, the fruits of the Spirit are what make individuals ready for marriage. They are also the things that sustain a couple in their marriage 30+ years later.

Teach your children by your actions. Not only in money, but in your marriage, in the choices you make for your life.


Grant Magers
Moola Monsters, LLC

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