What do you think of when you think of the word fear? Do you think of Jason or Freddie chasing some poor soul through the woods and the hair standing on the back of your neck? Do you think of arachnophobia, agoraphobia, or some other phobia that causes your heart to beat faster and your chest to tighten? One of my personal fears is the fear of loss; the loss of a loved one or the suffering of loved ones if I should lose my life. What is your greatest fear?
Fear can be an overwhelming emotion. It is built in our genetic code for survival. It is a fascinating emotion from the respect that our fight or flight response to fear can save us or paralyze us. Have you ever stopped to consider what fear is doing to you?
This is not an easy question. In our culture, fear is often associated with weakness. Can you imagine a professional athlete who was too afraid to perform in the championship game? Let’s be honest, due to this cultural bias there is an underlying fear of acknowledging our fears. What if others were to know you were afraid? What would they say? How would your spouse respond?
Fear takes on all shapes and sizes. It typically hides in the recesses of our souls and whispers, “you can’t….” Fear is not focused in on tight spaces or horror movies only; it wants to hold you hostage in all areas of your life. It focuses its energy on your soul. It creates doubt in our abilities to manage our relationships, our businesses, our education, our parenting and our happiness. What is fear whispering in your ear?
The first step in healing in any area of our life is acknowledgement. Define your fear. When you define your fears you take away their control. You set the path in front of you to dissolving the issue. The second step is to move forward. Our fears hold us back, so move forward. By moving one step at a time our fears slowly dissolve away. Before you know it you will move past the fear to the point it no longer exists.
The final step is to face the next fear in your life. We are growing and changing every day. As such, new fears will develop. The next phase of our maturity is realized each time we define our fears, move forward, and dissolve them away, then move on to what is next in our life. It is part of our growth, our self-discovery. Whatever your greatest fear is, it is not as strong as you. Do not listen to the whispering liar called fear.
Grant Magers
Moola Monsters, LLC
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