Future #1: They will be like many of us where spending has consumed their lifestyle. They will work hard for their paycheck. They may even own their own businesses, but in the end they will spend every dime they have until they cannot keep up. They will not have enough set aside for retirement. Does this sound familiar?
Future #2: They will plan their futures. They will save more. They will pay cash for items rather than using credit cards. They will have patience, and view wealth as more than the status of possessions, but as the security for their future. Does future #2 sound familiar?
Both Future #1 and Future #2 should be familiar to you, because they are no different than the reality we live in today. In other words this is nothing new. The questions you need to ask yourself is: 1) what future do you want for your children? 2) What will you do right now and in the future to help them achieve that future? 3) What is your plan?
Grant Magers
Moola Monsters, LLC
We couldn't agree with you more. It is OUR responsibility to teach our children a HEALTHY relationship in regards to money. We focus, so greatly, on our childrens' social activities to their education-often to forget the impact of money in their lives. It begins with examining our own relationship with money, becoming an example to our children and making sure to teach them responsibility & consistency in regards to money. The Moola System starts and maintains consistent, good & Godly behavior as it relates to money and responsibilities. Thanks for your thoughts, Grant. Your words always get us thinking and more importantly--acting. -Rayne and Ron Spaulding