Friday, December 11, 2009

Does All Money Really Belong to God?

A close friend of mine told me his daughter asked him to explain the first rule of money to her friends. While he understood the first rule and agreed with it, he found himself slightly perplexed as to how to articulate the point. This got me thinking that maybe I should take some time to explain each rule a little deeper.

Rule#1 All Money Belongs to God:

To understand this rule it is important to understand what money really is and what it is not. Money is simply a means by which we manage and exchange resources. In earlier history, if I had one resource and you had another we could exchange resources as needed so that both of our needs were met. Money allows us a simpler way to make that exchange. Money has no inherent value in and of itself beyond the resources to which it is applied.

In the very beginning, in Genesis (1:26-29), we were called to manage the resources on the Earth. God created the resources of the Earth and placed mankind over them. We often think that man created economic systems. The truth is God created the management of resources. He created economics. There are many more passages that teach this principle, but at the very core is Gen. 1.

Even if you have a faith that differs from mine this principle still applies. It is important for us to respect a higher authority than ourselves regarding the management of money. The moment money is "only" about ourselves, the charitable application is lost. If we only use money for our gain then we abuse the resources to which the money is applied. This goes into some very deep economic and political topics that are not appropriate for this post. However, without giving we only hurt ourselves in the long run.

In conclusion all things belong to God. Therefore, that includes money. Take care of what has been given to you.


Grant Magers
Moola Monsters, LLC

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