Monday, March 22, 2010

God and Money

Recently, I have been having a lot of questions surrounding the topic of God and money. Specifically, is money a man made system, or a God created system. This is not an easy question. In my attempt to address it, I hope that I will, at the very least, persuade you to consider the question.

Did you know that there are 1600 Bible versus pertaining to money and approximately 500 of them include the words money, riches, or wealth. Let's face facts God takes the topic of money very seriously. I think we can all agree to that point. Ultimately the question will come down to do you believe God is in complete and total control, or do we have control. If He has complete and total control then it is reasonable to say he created the concept of money, the function of economies, and the resources they represent. If you believe we have control then it is a reasonable position to believe we created money and economies to manage the resources.

I am not a judge or jury on this topic. It is an important question to ask ourselves. It is an important question for us to wrestle with in our minds. Hopefully, in doing so we will come to know God more completely. If the topic of money is important enough for Him to include it in the Bible 1600 times, then the topic deserves our attention.


Grant Magers
Moola Monsters, LLC

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