Sunday, September 27, 2009

A Real Story: My True Role as a Mommy

My true role, as a mommy, is to work my way out of my job. Of course I will always be my precious little girl’s protector; however, we must give our children wings to fly on their own. My husband and I are so impressed with the Moola System. We have been implementing the system with our 3 ½ year old for about 3 months now. We are completely blown away by how quickly our daughter has caught on & how interested she is to EARN. She can recite all five rules of money—and did I mention she is not even FOUR years old?!?

I see a huge disconnect with our generation in regards to our relationship with money. There is a sense of entitlement, and if we all returned to “working hard and working smart” we would be a much more productive society. More importantly, I believe we would be in better favor with God. I am so thankful that the Moola Company has given us a way to introduce a healthy relationship in regards to money at such a young age. These rules, also, apply to us—the parents.

1. All money belongs to God.

2. If you don’t have money you can’t spend money.

3. If you spend too much money you won’t have money to spend.

4. I have to work hard and smart to earn more money.

5. God loves a cheerful giver.

Today our little girl earned enough Moolas to turn them in for a prize. It melted my heart that she pulled out her tithe FIRST…all on her own. Plus, she said she wanted to give ONE more to God (her offering). Again, I was completely in awe of her heart. Not to mention, the cashier at the toy store was in shock and impressed! She said it was refreshing to see this display as most children throw daily” fits in the store. This is God at work through this amazing company.

Our household dynamic has changed since introducing the system. Our daughter is eager to find ways to earn Moolas which in turn adds a sense of peace in our home. Plain and simple, this is a tool to teach and implement God’s plan and we cannot have too much of that in this unstable world. The Moola System is a true blessing. It is so simple to introduce and I love watching our daughter grow into an amazing & aware young person. This system will stick with her for her entire life—what an incredible foundation introduced in a way that is FUN & rewarding-for the whole family.

--Rayne Spaulding

Monday, September 21, 2009

Thanks to Moms and Dads

The Moola Monsters' team worked the Glendale, AZ Kidsfaire this past weekend. We had a great time and were able to visit with several parents about Moola Monsters. There was a lot of interest, and a lot who were not interested, as is the case at most trade shows. However, there was one family that helped expand my perspective about the economic situation today and the impact it is having on families.

A mom and dad came by the booth with their two boys. They were interested in the system, but were financially behind themselves and in the middle of a move. I gave them a pack cards so they could see how their kids would respond to the system. I thought it might reduce the stress of the move a little. Mom was so thankkful she began to cry right their at the booth. My heart melted for these folks as it became evident how stressful life had become for them.

I know I am being assumptive, but as I watched people come and go it appeared that stress was ruling the majority of their lives. It seemed that many of them were there to pick up free samples for their kids, so they could have something fun when they went home. We had parents taking 10-15 Moola Monsters' coloring pages at a time. I saw several families with carts full of free stuff.

I want to take this moment to thank all of the hard working moms and dads out there. You all carry the weight of the world on your shoulders and it is important for you to be recognized. Thank you for wanting happiness for your kids in a world that is such a stressful place. I have heard it said that there is nothing better than the laughter of children. Well, mom and dad, much of that laughter is created as a result of the things you do for them each and every day. Thank you very much for being a blessing to your children.


Grant Magers
Moola Monsters, LLC

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Two Futures

Consider this, in 25-30 years our children will be doctors, lawyers, engineers, teachers, nurses, builders, realtors, etc. and have families of their own. What will the world look like in 25 years? In the last 15-20 years we have seen a world where a fax was the pinnacle of technology to "Tweeting" on our smart phones. The speed of our economy has grown exponentially, because technology has created economic conveniences. We bank online. We create presentations on airplanes. We video conference and webcast. Can you even imagine how much faster the world will move in another 30 years? I can't. If you will allow me some latitude to generalize, I believe our children will have one of two futures.

Future #1: They will be like many of us where spending has consumed their lifestyle. They will work hard for their paycheck. They may even own their own businesses, but in the end they will spend every dime they have until they cannot keep up. They will not have enough set aside for retirement. Does this sound familiar?

Future #2: They will plan their futures. They will save more. They will pay cash for items rather than using credit cards. They will have patience, and view wealth as more than the status of possessions, but as the security for their future. Does future #2 sound familiar?

Both Future #1 and Future #2 should be familiar to you, because they are no different than the reality we live in today. In other words this is nothing new. The questions you need to ask yourself is: 1) what future do you want for your children? 2) What will you do right now and in the future to help them achieve that future? 3) What is your plan?

Grant Magers
Moola Monsters, LLC