Sunday, August 30, 2009


It has been a while since my last post. Things have been so incredibly busy that I have found it hard to make time to write. As usual much of my time has been spent on airplanes. I was in Detroit and Minneapolis most recently. I try to keep to myself on airplanes. I am either reading or sleeping usually. However, this last trip proved to be different. On two different occasions I set next to gentlemen who wanted to chat.

Un-prompted both started discussing youth and entitlement. The first guy expressed to me how his son expected dad to buy him things without appreciating how much they cost. "It is as if he thinks, he is entitled," he stated. The second guy went on and on about how teenagers have no work ethic. "They just show up and expect to get paid." Both looked at me and asked, "Is this my fault?"

Entitlement... It is a disease. It is spreading faster and is more real then swine flu. It poisons our children and our businesses. I cannot find one thing that I am entitled to receive. If I want to grow in wealth, health, happiness, I must be willing to sacrifice. I must be willing to work hard and smart.

Entitlement will not have my children. They are learning to sacrifice for their opportunities in life. They are learning to work hard and smart. They are learning to make good decisions and respect what God has given them.

Grant Magers
Moola Monsters, LLC

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Teaching Kids about Money

Too much of anything is a bad thing. Watch the most recent video blog about teaching our kids about money. Is it a good thing or a bad thing. Several parents have mentioned to me that they are concerned too much focus on money is a bad thing. Let's talk about. What is your opinion.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Your kid/money story?

Tell us about your children. What is their experience with money?
"You own your house right? Don't you own your air?" (age 8)

Sunday, August 2, 2009

My Experience in Jail

Recently I had the pleasure of seeing the inside of a jail cell. No, I was not arrested. I had the privilege of experiencing a ride-along with a police officer. The very first thing I saw was a jail cell. No windows. No comforts. No clock. No space. It was a cold and lonely place. I knew without a doubt this was not a place I ever wanted to find myself.

What about financial jail cells? How many of us today are finding ourselves in financial jail cells. We feel trapped and alone as if their is no way out. Time moves so slowly. We count each day while interest rates steal our future.

As I stared at the cell it crossed my mind that I would like my boys to see this place. Maybe they should have to stay in the cell for a few minutes just to appreciate their freedom. What an eye opening experience that would be for them as they consider choices in their future. Maybe our children should experience financial jail cells at their level of understanding. This way they could learn from the start to appreciate and respect the financial choices of their lives.

Teach your children, so they never experience a jail cell.

Grant Magers
Moola Monsters, LLC