I also remember my mom saying things by the end of the summer months, like "I can't wait for the kids to go back to school." I can remember complaining about how bored I was by August. Somehow the the thrill of summer had worn off. My sister and I became mindless drones sitting in front of the t.v. It was too hot to go outside and play much of the day. We were bored with our toys. The t.v. was the only summer constant.
So here we are on the other side of the fence now. We are the parents with children excited for summer. I agree that the kids should get a break and have some fun. Life should be fun. However, if you find yourself asking "when will school start again" let me make a suggestion. After July 4th, plan one hour 4 days a week for your kids to do something educational. If you can do more even better, but do not let them become permanently glued to the sofa watching the t.v. or playing video games. They need to do some math, reading, writing, or other activities. Keep their developing brains growing.
It is you versus summer boredom for your kids. Help them grow, they need you.
Grant Magers
Moola Monsters
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