Saturday, May 9, 2009

We are a product of our...? That is the age old question. Are we merely predetermined in our genetic code or are we a product of our environment? The debate will continue on for years to come I'm sure. One interesting phenomenon that I have noticed is that Corporate America must believe we are a product of their "marketing efforts." Have you ever stopped to see how many commercials our children are bombarded with in one hour of cartoons. It is amazing!!! Fast paced, lots of colors and activity, blasting their developing minds at record pace. 

Is it any wonder that the MTV generation today are massive consumers. We were trained as young children to consume. Clothes, food, games, toys, energy, etc, etc.... We consume and consume, even when we know intellectually that we need to stop and save. The only real way to break the cycle is to begin re-educating our children. 

We have to teach our children they have a greater life than to just be consumers. We must teach them that they are inventors, builders, educators, and more. We must teach them that there are consequences for actions and that good things come to those who wait. They are not doomed to the impulse buy unless we as parents we do nothing to teach them otherwise. Teach your children for the betterment of their futures and the betterment of our country.


Grant Magers
Moola Monsters, LLC

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