Sunday, August 2, 2009

My Experience in Jail

Recently I had the pleasure of seeing the inside of a jail cell. No, I was not arrested. I had the privilege of experiencing a ride-along with a police officer. The very first thing I saw was a jail cell. No windows. No comforts. No clock. No space. It was a cold and lonely place. I knew without a doubt this was not a place I ever wanted to find myself.

What about financial jail cells? How many of us today are finding ourselves in financial jail cells. We feel trapped and alone as if their is no way out. Time moves so slowly. We count each day while interest rates steal our future.

As I stared at the cell it crossed my mind that I would like my boys to see this place. Maybe they should have to stay in the cell for a few minutes just to appreciate their freedom. What an eye opening experience that would be for them as they consider choices in their future. Maybe our children should experience financial jail cells at their level of understanding. This way they could learn from the start to appreciate and respect the financial choices of their lives.

Teach your children, so they never experience a jail cell.

Grant Magers
Moola Monsters, LLC


  1. Awesome post! Thank you for such a great anaology!

    Everything we do has got to be about teaching our kids and everyone around us how to break free from the baondage of the "Jailers" in our lives! Creditors have done an absolutely brilliant job of making all of believe we must have things Now! Use credit and pay it off later...No big deal...But how many people do we know who are in absolutely slavery and bondage to the creditors?

    This is a HUGE issue not to be taken lightly!

    Joshua Christensen
    Founder & President
    Consider the Ant Ministries

  2. Thanks for the comment. Being slave to the lender can be paralyzing. We have to do our time to get out and that means good "fiscal" behavior.
