Friday, December 18, 2009
Credit use or not to use?
Credit card companies have lulled us to sleep about what money actually is, and what it is not. Having money is not the same thing as having credit. Credit is access to money that belongs to someone else. Credit is ones ability to borrow and nothing else. So when we purchase on credit cards we are borrowing money. In most cases that ability has a price tag called an interest rate. How many of us today are paying the price for borrowing too much and allowing the interest rates to overtake our ability to pay off our debts?
Let me offer one simple rule that will keep your kids from falling into the same trap. Rule #2 for Kids: "If you do not have money then you can't spend money." If you want something then you need to have the available CASH to purchase the item. If you need something we should budget so we have CASH to purchase the necessity. Borrowing money should always be kept to a minimum and only when absolutely necessary. Teach your children that to be independent they cannot ever become slave to the lender. Teach them to use cash.
Grant Magers
Moola Monsters, LLC
Friday, December 11, 2009
Does All Money Really Belong to God?
Rule#1 All Money Belongs to God:
To understand this rule it is important to understand what money really is and what it is not. Money is simply a means by which we manage and exchange resources. In earlier history, if I had one resource and you had another we could exchange resources as needed so that both of our needs were met. Money allows us a simpler way to make that exchange. Money has no inherent value in and of itself beyond the resources to which it is applied.
In the very beginning, in Genesis (1:26-29), we were called to manage the resources on the Earth. God created the resources of the Earth and placed mankind over them. We often think that man created economic systems. The truth is God created the management of resources. He created economics. There are many more passages that teach this principle, but at the very core is Gen. 1.
Even if you have a faith that differs from mine this principle still applies. It is important for us to respect a higher authority than ourselves regarding the management of money. The moment money is "only" about ourselves, the charitable application is lost. If we only use money for our gain then we abuse the resources to which the money is applied. This goes into some very deep economic and political topics that are not appropriate for this post. However, without giving we only hurt ourselves in the long run.
In conclusion all things belong to God. Therefore, that includes money. Take care of what has been given to you.
Grant Magers
Moola Monsters, LLC
Friday, December 4, 2009
Fishing for Kids
Principle 1: Choose Your Attitude
How often do we get home tired from work, and our attitudes may be a little less than optimal. It is so important for us to choose our attitude when we are with our kids. Our time with them is precious and limited. We need to have a positive attitude as much as we can around our children.
Principle 2: Play
Who knows better how to play than our kids. They can bring out the kid in us if we let them. Find time to play.
Principle 3: Make Their Day
Who doesn't love it when someone goes out of the way to make our day? Take them on a walk. Go out for ice cream. Read them a book. Making a child's day is as simple as spending quality time with them.
Principle 4: Be Present
This may be the most important and the most difficult principle to apply on a consistent basis. When we are with our children we need to focus on them. It is so easy to let our minds drift off into work or bills when we are spending time with our kids. It is so easy to jump on the cell phone when are kids are wanting our attention. Be present for them. Look them in the eye when they are speaking. Acknowledge their comments and questions. When you are with them, give them your full attention.
The "Fish Philosophy" is great for growing our relationships with our children. Remember to choose your attitude, play, make their day, and be present.
Wishing you the best,
Grant Magers
Moola Monsters, LLC
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Many Thanks!
Her hand and arm are getting tired as she carries her burden. She never complains. She always smiles at each and every person that crosses her path. In our community she is an unknown soul. She is the woman who crosses the street everyday...back and forth. Yet, she is the woman that is protecting all we hold dear. Everyday she helps our children safely cross the street to get to school and to get home. She is an inspiration and an example for all to follow. She gives. She gives everyday without fail. I am so thankful this year for her.
Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!!!!
Grant Magers
Moola Monsters, LLC
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Piggy Banks
Isn't it interesting that so many of us were taught to save money, but so few of us do it. I have a theory... It is because "to save" has no intended consequence if it is not done. Children and adults respond to consequence. "If you do not eat dinner then you will not get desert." "If you run the red light you will get a ticket resulting in a fine." We respond to the consequence to create a positive habit.
Why do we go to work? Because, if we do not then there will be potential disastrous consequences for our lives. Why do we lock our doors? Why do we go to school? Why do we have our kids do their homework? Why do we do anything that requires disciple, if it is not to better ourselves and protect ourselves from negative consequences. Consequences are a large part of the decision making in human nature. This is why the third rule of money for kids is written: "If you spend all your money you will not have any left."
When a child is operating in the Moola Monster System they learn right away what this means. When they do not have any money there is immediate consequences to what they are able to do. Teach your children how to understand the consequence of not saving very young. If they spend all they have, they will not have any money left.
All the Best,
Grant Magers
Moola Monsters, LLC
Thursday, November 12, 2009
I found it interesting that these gentlemen saw a weakness in our business ethic and wrote a book to encourage a shift in thinking about the way we go about receiving in this world. So how does this lesson apply to raising our children? It seems obvious enough. Who doesn't want their children to be gracious to others? However, how many children grow up to be "geters" rather than "givers" in our culture.
We live in a society that holds competition and winning at the highest levels. Unfortunately sometimes at all costs. The truth is I want my kids to win as much as the next person, but like this book we need to reestablish what winning is all about. Competition is good. It is what drives our great country, and I personally believe that competition makes all of us better. So I am not advocating being a doormat. However, I am advocating scripture, the meek shall inherit the Earth (Matthew 5:5).
We need to teach our children to be givers. It is through giving that the highest forms of receiving is earned. They need to be taught to give of their time, their talents, and their treasures without misguided expectations of return. By doing these things they will find that a world of opportunity will open that is unlimited in its potential for good. Thank you authors of the Go-Giver. We appreciate your insight.
Grant Magers,
Moola Monsters, LLC
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Preparing Your Children for a Better Financial Future
I love being a parent. I have two boys ages 7 and 5. Just listening to them laugh is enough to make my day complete. Their happiness is my goal in life. Helping them achieve that happiness is not an easy task. We want our children to be happy. We want to protect them from all the pain of the world.
We do so many things to protect them. We put them in the best child-safety seats money can buy. We sort through every piece of Halloween candy and examine each piece carefully to make sure they are good to eat. We teach them the value of nutrition and exercise so their bodies will be healthy and grow. We make sure they do their homework and are making good grades to school. As parents we take great care in making sure our kids will have happy lives. The truth is that we want them to be happy kids, but more importantly we want them to be happy adults. Our children will spend 75% or more of their life as an adult. Almost all things parents teach children are for the child’s future as an adult. Ironically one of the things, as parents, we fail to teach adequately to our children is how money works in our world.
When it comes to money we have a tendency to make two major mistakes. First, we hope the schools will teach them. After all the schools teach them to count and make change. I know plenty of adults who can count and make change, yet they cannot retire. They have too much debt. They have filed bankruptcy. Being able to count and make change does not create an understanding of how money works. The second mistake we make is we assume our kids will catch on using allowances and piggy banks. As a child I had an allowance, I saved change in a piggy bank, and yet in early adulthood I found myself broke. How about you? We were all told to save. We were all told to work for money, but the majority of our country has been financially brought to their knees. So as parents why are we repeating the same mistakes that our parents made.
Having general knowledge about eating healthy and exercising does not ensure a healthy lifestyle. Would you tell your kids to eat vegetables and then serve them candy? Would tell them the advantages of exercise and then allow them to sit in front of the television 24 hrs a day? No, as parents we get them involved in that lifestyle. We enroll them in sports activities. We give them nutritious meals. They live the lifestyle we teach them. So how do we transfer that same experience to financial behavior?
If you want to reach your children for a better financial future, look at how money works in your life. You earn it, you spend it, and if you do not have any you cannot do the things you need or want to do. Create that same economy for your children in the home. For instance, in my house if my children want to play a game console it cost them 15 Moola Monsters per hour. If they want junk food, it cost them 5 Moola Monsters. My kids live in a child friendly economy in our house so they understand cash flow, savings, investing, etc. I built an economy for my kids so they live by the same financial principles I live by. I want them to understand how the world works, so when they grow to be adults, they will have the foundation to make the right decisions financially.
To learn more visit our website at Remember, no matter what interest your child has as they grow up money will be a part of their lives, so give them they best education you can regarding managing it responsibly.
J. Grant Magers
Moola Monsters, LLC
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Happy Giving
Sunday, September 27, 2009
A Real Story: My True Role as a Mommy
My true role, as a mommy, is to work my way out of my job. Of course I will always be my precious little girl’s protector; however, we must give our children wings to fly on their own. My husband and I are so impressed with the Moola System. We have been implementing the system with our 3 ½ year old for about 3 months now. We are completely blown away by how quickly our daughter has caught on & how interested she is to EARN. She can recite all five rules of money—and did I mention she is not even FOUR years old?!?
I see a huge disconnect with our generation in regards to our relationship with money. There is a sense of entitlement, and if we all returned to “working hard and working smart” we would be a much more productive society. More importantly, I believe we would be in better favor with God. I am so thankful that the Moola Company has given us a way to introduce a healthy relationship in regards to money at such a young age. These rules, also, apply to us—the parents.
1. All money belongs to God.
2. If you don’t have money you can’t spend money.
3. If you spend too much money you won’t have money to spend.
4. I have to work hard and smart to earn more money.
5. God loves a cheerful giver.
Today our little girl earned enough Moolas to turn them in for a prize. It melted my heart that she pulled out her tithe FIRST…all on her own. Plus, she said she wanted to give ONE more to God (her offering). Again, I was completely in awe of her heart. Not to mention, the cashier at the toy store was in shock and impressed! She said it was refreshing to see this display as most children throw daily” fits in the store. This is God at work through this amazing company.
Our household dynamic has changed since introducing the system. Our daughter is eager to find ways to earn Moolas which in turn adds a sense of peace in our home. Plain and simple, this is a tool to teach and implement God’s plan and we cannot have too much of that in this unstable world. The Moola System is a true blessing. It is so simple to introduce and I love watching our daughter grow into an amazing & aware young person. This system will stick with her for her entire life—what an incredible foundation introduced in a way that is FUN & rewarding-for the whole family.
--Rayne Spaulding
Monday, September 21, 2009
Thanks to Moms and Dads
A mom and dad came by the booth with their two boys. They were interested in the system, but were financially behind themselves and in the middle of a move. I gave them a pack cards so they could see how their kids would respond to the system. I thought it might reduce the stress of the move a little. Mom was so thankkful she began to cry right their at the booth. My heart melted for these folks as it became evident how stressful life had become for them.
I know I am being assumptive, but as I watched people come and go it appeared that stress was ruling the majority of their lives. It seemed that many of them were there to pick up free samples for their kids, so they could have something fun when they went home. We had parents taking 10-15 Moola Monsters' coloring pages at a time. I saw several families with carts full of free stuff.
I want to take this moment to thank all of the hard working moms and dads out there. You all carry the weight of the world on your shoulders and it is important for you to be recognized. Thank you for wanting happiness for your kids in a world that is such a stressful place. I have heard it said that there is nothing better than the laughter of children. Well, mom and dad, much of that laughter is created as a result of the things you do for them each and every day. Thank you very much for being a blessing to your children.
Grant Magers
Moola Monsters, LLC
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Two Futures
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Teaching Kids about Money
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Your kid/money story?
Sunday, August 2, 2009
My Experience in Jail
Sunday, July 19, 2009
What do you think of when you think of the word fear? Do you think of Jason or Freddie chasing some poor soul through the woods and the hair standing on the back of your neck? Do you think of arachnophobia, agoraphobia, or some other phobia that causes your heart to beat faster and your chest to tighten? One of my personal fears is the fear of loss; the loss of a loved one or the suffering of loved ones if I should lose my life. What is your greatest fear?
Fear can be an overwhelming emotion. It is built in our genetic code for survival. It is a fascinating emotion from the respect that our fight or flight response to fear can save us or paralyze us. Have you ever stopped to consider what fear is doing to you?
This is not an easy question. In our culture, fear is often associated with weakness. Can you imagine a professional athlete who was too afraid to perform in the championship game? Let’s be honest, due to this cultural bias there is an underlying fear of acknowledging our fears. What if others were to know you were afraid? What would they say? How would your spouse respond?
Fear takes on all shapes and sizes. It typically hides in the recesses of our souls and whispers, “you can’t….” Fear is not focused in on tight spaces or horror movies only; it wants to hold you hostage in all areas of your life. It focuses its energy on your soul. It creates doubt in our abilities to manage our relationships, our businesses, our education, our parenting and our happiness. What is fear whispering in your ear?
The first step in healing in any area of our life is acknowledgement. Define your fear. When you define your fears you take away their control. You set the path in front of you to dissolving the issue. The second step is to move forward. Our fears hold us back, so move forward. By moving one step at a time our fears slowly dissolve away. Before you know it you will move past the fear to the point it no longer exists.
The final step is to face the next fear in your life. We are growing and changing every day. As such, new fears will develop. The next phase of our maturity is realized each time we define our fears, move forward, and dissolve them away, then move on to what is next in our life. It is part of our growth, our self-discovery. Whatever your greatest fear is, it is not as strong as you. Do not listen to the whispering liar called fear.
Grant Magers
Moola Monsters, LLC
Friday, July 17, 2009
Monday, July 6, 2009
My Point Exactly
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Belief Systems
Sunday, June 21, 2009
A Heavenly Fathers Day ~ Inspired by Dad
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Advertising and Your Kids
Thursday, June 11, 2009
What is the world coming to...
Monday, June 8, 2009
Using the Moola Monster System
Sunday, May 31, 2009
So What is the Difference...?
Thursday, May 28, 2009
School's Out for the Summer
Sunday, May 24, 2009
The Root of All Evil?
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
The Role of Structure
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
"Moola Monsters is working WONDERS for our 6-year-old. I'm happy to report that this is the first time we've managed to make it to school without either Mommy or Daddy breaking down and yelling. If the girls make it in the car by 7:35, they get a card! Whew-hew! It works!" (Laura from AZ)
"No joke, Elle (5) is now potty training her brother (2) for Moola Monster cards...and it was HER idea. Daaang!" (Erin from AZ)